Monday, August 3, 2009

Current R&B "it" boy and favorite Trey Songz opens up about his sex life in a very revealing interview with Honey Magazine. It seems as if this sexy crooner has no inhibitions when it comes to talking about one of the most private aspects of his adult life. From describing what he likes to do as his lady is about to climax, enjoying free porn, to revisiting an oral sex encounter that left him kinda messy (and the "mess" wasn't his own), and just when you think he's disclosed enough, he reflects on a 2 day experience with crabs (not the seafood) as a sexually active teenager.

Despite knowing more information than I'd care to know about his sexual history, especially the crabs, he could still get it!

Get into a few sexually charged excerpts below:

You are a proud supporter of porn?

TS: Yeah. I think porn is cool.

What's your favorite type?

TS: I think that porn is a way to broaden your horizons as far as sex is concerned. I remember when I first started watching porn my favorite porn star was Lacey Duvalle, Lindy Foxx, and I like the free will of porn all in itself.

But some things look better than they feel.

TS: Yeah there are some things that happen in porn that some girls can never do in real life (laughs), you know what I mean, unless they are porn stars. I think that’s the cool part about it. It’s like ‘damn, that’s crazy.’

You found that out the hard way, huh.

TS: Nah (laughs).

What's the difference between the chick you make your girl, and someone who's just a jump?

TS: My girl gets love. A jump gets sex.

But how do you decide if you're going to make her your main girl or not?

TS: Character traits. Once you kick it with a person long enough you start see what they are around for.

And what are your favorite things to use in the bedroom?

TS: My tongue and my penis (laughs).

Allllright. You don’t use toys?

No, I have before, but I ain't really into it.

With all this sex, you ever take a trip to the clinic?

TS: Yes.

You ever got anything before?

TS: When I was like 16 or 17, this girl gave me crabs. It was the most uncomfortable shit in the world. I was confused because ain't nobody know I was having sex. So I was like damn what the fuck is going on? I even had to cut all my hair off and I had to eventually tell somebody. And had to go to the doctor.

How long did you have them for then?

TS: Just a couple days.

Did you know the girl that gave it to you?

TS: Yeah I did.

And you told her?

TS: Yeah I told her. It was wild experience. We were young. And that was kind of crazy and it was the worst so when I told her she tried to deny it. And I just basically stopped talking to her.

TS: That's the only thing you've ever gotten?

TS: Yeah.

And boys just in case you're wondering what Trey has to offer down there, he tells Honey Mag his mom always makes sure he has a 12 pack of Magnum condoms whenever he's on tour. Whew...mama knows best.

Watch Trey Songz' rendition of Beyonce's Ego in the video below. "It's too big, it's too wide, it's too strong, it won't fit". Owww!


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