Monday, August 3, 2009

Prepare to protect your ears because after you hear the latest anti-gay talking points by right wing puppet and "ex-gay" Charlene Cothran they may begin to bleed.

Longtime readers of this blog may be familiar with Cothran, former publisher of lesbian magazine Venus who rose to fame when she appeared to deliver her testimony of being healed from "teh gay" (not a type-o) on the 700 Club. In a recent radio interview with Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Cothran continues her crusade against the very people she advocated for for years as an openly gay activist.

News flash: Just because you abstain from homosexual sex doesn't make you heterosexual. When are people going to understand that sexual orientation goes beyond the sexual act?

Here's a preview of Cothran's foolishness:

"The gay community always wants something else. It never stops. The bottom line is I want to be able to sleep with whomever I want, wherever I want, how long I want, and in front of whomever I want. They want that. They want the entire freedom to be a the middle of a park with no clothes on."

Bless her poor confused heart. Get into the full interview below.

h/t Joe My God


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