Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Advocate delivers what I'm sure is going to be another controversial cover on our President's birthday with the word NOPE in place of HOPE under a picture of President Obama along with the tag line; "He was our greatest hope but he has yet to deliver".

I'm not even going to comment on the article itself because I'm having somewhat of a difficult time making it past the cover while simultaneously bracing myself for the politically charged and divisive dialogue that I'm sure will come.

Are gays really that disappointed in Obama? Or is it just gays of a certain race? Because according to a recent open thread on this blog it seems black gays and blacks in general are singing another tune.

Just for fun let's take a look at a couple of The Advocate's most recent covers that got quite a few people talking.

LZ Granderson: Gay Is Not The New Black

The Tyra Banks Show: Is Gay The New Black?

Queer Kid of Color asks: Seriously, The Advocate couldn’t find any Black gay couples at all?

So is it all a ploy to sell magazines and possibly further divide the gay community along racial lines, or do you think The Advocate is promoting a healthy discussion?


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