Tuesday, October 13, 2009

As thousands LGBT people prepared to march on Washington to demand civil rights and full equality under the law last weekend, one Queens, New York man's life was within an inch of being cut short by a vicious anti-gay hate crime attack on a New York city street.

Jack Price, 49, an openly gay man living in Queens was chased, taunted, humiliated and beaten in what is being described as an apparent hate crime. Price had gone to a corner deli in his College Point neighborhood in Queens only blocks away from his home for cigarettes early Friday when two men yelled anti-gay slurs while he was inside the store. They attacked him outside.

Queens channel 7 WABC reports that both of Price’s lungs are collapsed, all of his ribs were boken, and surgery was performed to repair damage to his spleen. Additionally, a metal plate was put in his jaw.

Police arrested Daniel Aleman, 26, and charged him with assault and aggravated assault as a hate crime. A second assailant is still on the loose.

"When someone is attacked for being who they are, and for being proud of who they are, there is no other explanation for that attack than hatred and bigotry," said New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the first openly gay speaker of the city council.

"I know the Queens community is outraged that hate has tainted their streets, and I know they will join with us in helping the local authorities find the second suspect," she said.

Watch the ABC 7 News report in the video below:

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Thanks Bernie & Nathan

Image via Joe My God


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