Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And this my friends is a perfect example of why marriage equality will be won in DC and eventually across the nation. The arguments against gay marriage simply aren't making sense any more, especially when people like D.C. resident and "Christian" Earnestine Copeland are making the arguments.

Copeland was given three minutes yesterday during a scheduled marriage equality hearing to voice her opposition against the pending legislation and used the opportunity to "preach" about demons, immorality, and Sodom & Gomorrah before going into a tirade about being fired from her job. Hmmm...I wonder if her insanity played a part in her being fired.

According to blogger and D.C. activist Michael Crawford, who can be seen in the background of the video, the breakdown of testimony heard yesterday was 81 for equality, 15 against, and 8 no-shows.

Let's hope Copeland and her ilk continue to make our case for us. Get into the video below:

h/t Towleroad


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