Monday, September 28, 2009

It's the scripture that has caused insurmountable anguish and fiery condemnation for the LGBT community, and is most likely the single most quoted anti-gay scripture used to justify the church's demonization of gay people. But what does the bible really say about homosexuality?

I've avoided this topic over the past three years this blog has been in existence because it tends to bring out the worst in people. However, during my recent interview with recording artist and minister Tonex' I asked him about his interpretation of the said scriptures and what he's learned during his study of what so many people claim is the truth in black & white.

His answers may be a little to radical for the fundamentalist Christian who accepts every word of the bible as fact and has never allowed himself to dig deeper, but it wasn't anything I haven't heard before or learned on my own through individual study.

I wanted to highlight & post this section of the interview last because I think it's so important to have a dialogue around this issue because it has so many of us in bondage. One would only have to attend any mainstream black church or read over 300 comments by "Christians" on a recent AOL Black Voices article written by Tonex' to see the spiritual battle faced by many LGBT's.

As a black gay man and someone who has been able to reconcile his sexuality with his faith; I must tell you it hasn't always been easy, but it's definitely been worth it. I implore those of you who read this blog to look within, dig deeper, research, and find out exactly what God had to say about this issue and not Paul. The answer may surprise you.


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