Monday, September 28, 2009

Has been 90's rapper Warren G recently granted an interview to Vanity Fair to begin promotion for a new album to be released next month and out of nowhere began an anti-gay tirade that only made his already incoherent interview even worse.

From Vanity Fair:

Warren G: As a generation, we need to start leading these kids down the right path. I mean, I ain’t against the gays or nothin’.I know people that’s gay. My wife’s got friends that are gay. I got family that’s gay. Cousins and shit. He cool as fuck. He cool as a motherfucker. He’s my homie. I just mean that on some of these TV shows, they got dudes kissing. And kids are watching that shit. We can’t have kids growing up with that.

I know it happens, but let’s keep it behind the scenes. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with it if that’s what two dudes wanna do. Cool. But that’s not bring that out into the world, where the kids can see that. We don’t want all the kids doing that. ‘Cause that ain’t how we was originally put here to do. Like I said, I ain’t got no problem with the gays.

Sounds like you have a problem to me Warren G. By the way, what does the "G" stand for? How you doing?

And this ladies and gentlemen is coming from someone who was arrested in 2008 for possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Now that's a wonderful image to present to kids. SMDH.


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