Thursday, September 24, 2009

An update on the horrific story of the Connecticut black gay teen whose gay exorcism was profiled on back in July and went on to receive national attention after video footage first appeared on YouTube.

The 16 year old gay teen who goes by the name "Jeffrey" appeared on the Tyra Banks show on Wednesday to denounce his former lifestyle and to proclaim that he'd been healed from homosexuality, although he admits that he still finds men attractive.

"I am healed by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit that came into me that day...and removed the unclean spirit from me, says Jeffrey.

Because I do not want to live the homosexual lifestyle. I have nothing against them if they want to live that way but they have a choice to serve ... the Lord."

Self-proclaimed "prophet" and demon caster Patricia McKinney was also on hand to defend the spiritual abuse of "Jeffrey" at the hands of she and husband "overseer" Kelvin McKinney- whose brand of heterosexist, dominant, & self-righteous judgement was on full display.

It's very telling that the teen seems to be wearing a beard as a disguise. I'm sure this won't be the first or the last time he has to do so. This brings me to tears. The black church has messed us up.

Watch the video in full below:

Thanks Bryan


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