Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sorry for being a few days late on this one. Users of the popular social networking site Twitter were introduced to one of the most homophobic trending topics to date on Septemeber 4th when once popular rapper Fabolous created #uknowhowiknowuregay. Trending topics are the top ten most discussed topics on Twitter and can spur millions of replies.

"Hey, I got a new topic... #uknowhowiknowuregay Twitter prolly wont make it a #TT cuz of the gay part but will b funny, he tweeted.

Well Twitter did make it a trending topic, and the "oh so straight" Fabolous commenced to project his own insecurity with his sexuality and dated gay stereotypes through his tweets. Check out the screen capture of his tweets below (click on the image to enlarge).

"The responses from others were actually far more offensive and viciously homophobic", notes Matt of Boy Culture. Ironically, Fabolous later TwitPics a shot of his never worn Louis Vuitton sneakers gushing, "All White Party 2nite! I been holdin these Louis V's 4 2 yrs. Can't believe Im bout 2 wear them".

All I can say is I hope he got a bag to match his pumps. To paraphrase Paris Is Burning: "You must have a handbag, no lady is certain at night."


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