Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The answer is yes. Beginning tonight at 10PM EST and every Wednesday thereafter LOGO will begin running the groundbreaking black gay series from start to finish.

Now on to the question I know that's running through your mind. Is the series coming back for a third season? While I can't say yes for certain I do know that the possibility of the show returning could potentially be all up to us-the audience.

We know there's an audience for the show and we proved it by tuning in weekly, throwing watch parties, and coming out in droves to see the boys on the big screen. Now that shows appearing on LOGO are Nielsen rated we can provide the numbers to show the powers that be that there's an audience for stories about gay men of color. The Queer As Folk reruns are cute but haven't we had enough already?

It looks like you may have a reason to renew your LOGO subscription people! Be sure to tune in tonight at 10PM EST and set your DVR's.


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