Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well this will be a teachable moment for Ms. Behar.

Joy Behar who is a fierce advocate on behalf of gay rights may have raised a few eyebrows yesterday on The View by implying that "monogamy doesn't hold the same weight for gay couples as it does for straight couples".

To Sherri & Elisabeth's credit (believe it or not) they challenged the perception that monogamy isn't important in same-sex relationships and encouraged Joy to ease up on making such a broad generalization.

This discussion is particularly timely given the heated debate over's recent couple profiled in our Coupled Up series who were honest about exploring threesomes within their long term relationship.

Reactions to Behar's comments have been mixed. " Joy is a longtime LGBT advocate, and these comments (which she qualified as being just her own understanding) don't at all change that. They simply highlight our continued need to bust down old stereotypes which paint "gay" as one certain thing. She seemed more than open to the possibility that she was off -- so this is an opportunity to inform, not chastise", notes blogger Jeremy Hooper of Good As You.

I think if we were to be honest about what really happens in our relationships, both straight and gay, we would find out that the traditional model simply doesn't work for everyone. But in our desire as gays & lesbians for our lives & relationships to not be viewed as the "other" we've adopted the heterosexual model that is clearly failing them.

I'm sure you have an opinion on this so let it rip.

h/t Good As You


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