Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another day another twist to the ongoing Tiger Woods scandal. This time Woods may actually be giving me a reason to take notice of his sudden misfortune.

According to an archived 1997 Vanity Fair interview that went unpublished Woods, then 21 years old, had a few choice words for black athletes and lesbians:

US Magazine reports:

The golfer, now 33, made a "series of profane quips" about women, sex and athletes that now provide "a sustained glimpse of the real Tiger Woods," writes Bissinger, who refers to Woods as a "sex addict."

At one point, Woods said during the tape recorded interview: "What I can't figure out is why so many good-looking women hang around baseball and basketball. Is it because, you know, people always say that, like, black guys have big dicks?"

Bissinger notes that during a photo shoot -- "where four women attended to his every need and flirted with him as he flirted back" -- Woods told a joke. He rubbed the tips of his shoes together and then asked the women, "What's this?" Woods then replied. "It's a black guy taking off his condom."

Woods also cracked that lesbians are "faster" at sex than gay men because women "are always going 69," Bissinger notes.

Bissinger writes that the interview "was the only honest and open one Woods has ever given. After that the steel wall of insulation came down, spearheaded by I.M.G.," his agency.

Should we give Tiger the benefit of the doubt because these comments may have been made as an immature 21 year old? Or does this interview paint a picture of a man who clearly doesn't identify with his black heritage and may also be homophobic?

Tiger Tiger Tiger...smh.

Thanks Bernie


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