Monday, November 2, 2009

Tourism is big business. It is one of the world's largest industries and in many regions the single largest source of investment and employment. While it does not have the same 'smokestack' image as the manufacturing industry, it is by no means environmentally benign, generating significant levels of pollution and consuming considerable amounts of natural resources. Europe is the world’s favourite tourist destination and so faces considerable challenges in making its tourist industry more environmentally friendly. One of the biggest beneficiaries of a more sustainable tourism industry will be the industry itself fewer people will want to visit a region where mass tourism has blighted the countryside and polluted the beaches.

Supporting European tourism

Tourism comprises a wide variety of products and destinations and involves many different stakeholders, both public and private, with areas of competence very decentralised, often at regional and local levels. Tourism has a great potential as regards contributing to the achievement of several major EU objectives, such as sustainable development, economic growth, employment as well as economic and social cohesion.

Supporting European tourism

Tourism comprises a wide variety of products and destinations and involves many different stakeholders, both public and private, with areas of competence very decentralised, often at regional and local levels. Tourism has a great potential as regards contributing to the achievement of several major EU objectives, such as sustainable development, economic growth, employment as well as economic and social cohesion.

Tourism is particularly important when it comes to offering job opportunities to young people, who represent twice as much of the labour force in tourism as in the rest of the economy.

Top Rated Hotels

1. Golden Well
2. Anastasis Apartments
3. Arcadia Residence
4. Killeen House
5. The Manor Coach House
6. Al Ponte Antico Hotel
7. Hotel Vecchio Asilo

Top Rated B&Bs

1. Casa Portagioia
2. Kenley Hotel
3. The Old Manse

Tourism Jobs in Europe

There are all kinds of employment opportunities in the tourism industry to be had all over Europe. There are jobs friendly and professional manner; not always the easiest thing in the world to do. Secondly, you need to be able to connect with the tourists in some way to put them at ease and make them feel at home. Particularly in areas where North American tourists are common, this second criterion can help you get your foot in the door. For many tourists, a familiar face and accent goes a long way towards making them feel at home and people who run tourist venues recognize this fact.

Tourism jobs are remarkably similar the world over. The work you do may be slightly different, but the tourists themselves are the same. A Japanese tourist is the same in the US or in Germany, and an American tourist is the same in Canada as in France. If you have worked in the hospitality industry in North America, you are already going to be pretty familiar with what to expect from the job in terms of perks and headaches.


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