Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Over the past couple of weeks a number of disturbing hate crimes against young gay men have been reported and a newly released report by The Federal Bureau of Investigation states hate crimes based on sexual orientation have the largest increase of nearly 11 percent.

The deaths of 19 year old Jorge Steven López Mercado of Puerto Rico and 16 year old Jason Mattison of Baltimore have been particularly gruesome. Mercado's body was found decapitated, dismembered, and burned while Mattison's body was stabbed repeatedly in the neck and throat and stuffed in a closet to be left for dead.

Are you aware of these stories? If you don't frequent gay blogs then you're probably not since the mainstream media has failed to bring any national attention to these crimes.

Mercado and Mattison were human beings who hadn't even begun to live their lives and were taken away from their loved ones simply based on their sexual orientation.

Contrary to the opinion a few misguided and bigoted individuals, victims are targeted based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression and when these crimes happen its not in our best interest to remain silent because it can happen to any of us.


When will we as a Christian nation stop promoting biblical based fear and hatred that leads to violence and start embracing God's greatest commandment- love?

It's always wrong to hate but it's never wrong to love.

Fellow blogger Shawn QT and member of The Five Black Guys reenacts what has been an unfortunate and often deadly reality for LGBT identified people or even those who are assumed to be in the video below.


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