Friday, November 20, 2009

Jayron Martin, a 16 year old high school freshman who was beaten with a metal pipe by a classmate while eight others watched last week is afraid to return to school. The openly gay 16 year old tells Houston's KHOU-TV that before the incident happened he begeed two principals at his school and the school bus driver for help but to no avail.

“All they kept saying was, ‘We going to get you. We going to fight you,’ and all that and so when they started coming after me they were like, ‘You’re not going to be gay anymore.’ They just kept hitting me,” Jayron said.

"I'm disgusted", Jayron's mother Lakenya Martin tells KHOU-TV. “When the child does what they’re supposed to do and the adult doesn’t, what are you supposed to say then? How do you make him feel comfortable? How do you give him back that sense of security."

The beating finally ended when a neighbor pointed a shotgun at the attackers and cocked it. One of Martin’s attackers, another 16-year-old, has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault.

This is the third hate crime in the past week that has caught the attention of the media all of which involved people of color. Puerto Rican teen George Mercado was decpaitated, dismembered, and burned and 16 year old Jason Mattison of Baltimore was raped, stabbed in the neck and throat and stuffed in a closet. When will the violence end?

Watch a video report below:

Thanks Stone


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