Thursday, October 1, 2009

An update on the story reported on yesterday regarding an anti-gay e-mail controversy on the campus of Morehouse College.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports:

Morehouse College has fired a woman and reprimanded another for discriminatory comments made via their work e-mail accounts.

The fired woman worked as an administrative assistant in the president’s office, according to reports. After receiving an e-mail forward that included wedding photos of a gay couple, she forwarded the e-mail to others and made comments that were considered discriminatory.

In a statement released Thursday, Dr. Robert M. Franklin, Morehouse’s president, announced that “the college has disciplined the persons involved in the incident, and one of the implicated employees is no longer with the college.”

The employees were not identified in Franklin's statement. Morehouse College has a no-tolerance position on discrimination, said Franklin.

“The views expressed in the e-mail entitled, ‘The WTD of the Week,' (September 28, 2009) were the personal views of one individual and do not reflect the values or policies of Morehouse College,” he said in the statement. “The College has taken great strides toward building a diverse and tolerant community.”

Although the AJC does not mention the terminated employee by name, Atlanta's gay publication Southern Voice reports Sandra Bradley, an administrative assistant to President Franklin as the culprit.

Former Morehouse College employee and co-worker of Bradley Khalid Kamau reflects on his experience with the terminated employee in a piece on here.


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