Friday, October 16, 2009

This is disgusting. A friend of Daniel Rodriguez, an accused attacker in the vicious beatdown of openly gay man Jack Price in Queens, NY that left the victim with broken ribs, a damaged spleen, and required a metal plate to be inserted into his jaw tells ABC 7 News that Price deserved it and proudly displays a tattoo of Leviticus 18:22 to justify the attack.

The street thug tells ABC 7 News that this was not a hate crime and Price had propositioned men in the neighborhood and had even blow his assailants a kiss.

"I mean I don't want no man blowing me a kiss either...things happen. I've been beat up like that too, but you don't see me on the news and my family crying".

A Leviticus tatoo? Really? Who tattoos anti-gay biblical and ritualistic law on their person other than someone who is clearly dealing with an extreme case of internalized homophobia.

Here's a suggestion for a new tattoo on the opposite arm since this idiot is so fond of using scripture to justify condemnation and hate crimes against LGBT people.

"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. - Leviticus 19:28"

Something tells me he conveniently overlooked that passage since it's the Christian way. This pisses me off!

There will be a protest march and rally against hate crimes in NY on tomorrow (Saturday). More info here via Nathan James.

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h/t Towleroad


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