Monday, March 1, 2010

Could this be a sign that hip-hop is shifting from an era of ugly homophobia? Probably not. But we have to give emerging rapper Kid Cudi his props for not freaking out and going all Busta Rhymes on a male fan who rushed the stage during a recent concert and planted a wet kiss on the "Day & Nite" rapper.

The fan was promptly escorted off the stage by Kid Cudi's security detail but the handsome rapper didn't react violently but chose to remain professional and continue on with his set.

The hip-hop website World Star Hip has footage of the incident and as expected the commenters are railing against Kid Cudi for not "protecting his manhood" and responding like the average homophobic thug.

I don't know if Kid Cudi is gay nor do I care but his reaction should serve as an example to the rest of his colleagues when dealing with gay fans; or at least the over zealous type. Can you imagine if a gay fan had rushed the stage to kiss Busta Rhymes?

Get into the video below:

h/t @MAKAEL86


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