Monday, March 29, 2010

The men of Morehouse College and Safe Space, the official campus gay organization made history last week by hosting the first ever P.R.I.D.E. Week on campus. Internet and TV personality B. Scott headlined Out and In The Spotlight: a panel discussion that also featured longtime activist Cleo Monago,Tahji Iman and Reva Iman before a capacity crowd.

In one of the best moments of the panel B. Scott takes on Morehouse's controversial dress code that made national news last year and respectfully disagreed with Monago who seemed to be in favor of the dress code. The exchange begins around the 4:30 mark.

P.R.I.D.E. Week also featured LGBT movie screenings, HIV testing, an Equality Ball, and the return of LGBT Christian organization Soulforce's Equality RIde.

Get into video of the panel discussion below via Drama Dupree. Photos courtesy of


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