Thursday, February 11, 2010

This is 1:12 of the most powerful and heartbreaking footage of the injustice imposed upon gay and lesbian couples who seek to legalize their unions in this country. The idea that there is freedom and justice for all in America is utter bull****.

From Pink Buffalo:

In an act of civil-sorta-disobediance, local LGBT activist Kitty Lambert received a marriage license to a stranger named Ed at Buffalo’s City Hall today, after being denied a license to marry her same-sex partner.

With news cameras rolling, Kitty then turned to the crowd and asked for any male who would be willing to get married to her. A gay man named Ed stepped forward and volunteered. They briefly exchanged information and presented the appropriate documents along with $40. City staff verified the information, and proceeded to give them a marriage license.

Watch the video below:


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