Friday, February 12, 2010

Via Joe.My.God comes news of ongoing violence against gay men and lesbians in Africa. Three men who were suspected of being gay were chased out of their residence in the town of Mtwapa in the Kilifi district in Kenya early Friday by an angry mob out for blood.

Daily Nation reports:

Police were forced to intervene to save the three men who residents had accused of being "notorious gays" who were behind the spread of the practice in the town.

Two men suspected of being a couple by residents were flushed out of their apartment within the town and police found wedding rings on their fingers.

Subsequently, a same-sex marriage that was planned to take place in the coastal town failed to take off as two men who announced the wedding went into hiding.

Police also dramatically rescued a another man and managed to rush him to Mtwapa police post.

“We thank God for saving this town from being turned to Sodom and Gomorra of this era as we may be on verge of being doomed had this criminals managed to conduct their evil exercise within our neighbourhood,” said Bishop Laurence Chai, Kilifi district representative and leader of the Operation Gays Out movement.

Flanked by Sheikh Ali Bishop Chai called on the government to vet all nightclubs in the town and close down those found promoting to gay activities.

Sheikh Hussein declared that they were ready to shed their blood to protect the dignity of Mtwapa town and called on the residents to raise against the vice.

The level of homphobia in Kenya and Uganda where the infamous "kill the gays bill" is being proposed to provide the death penalty for gay men and lesbians and incarceration for anyone who fails to report a gay person runs deep as seen in the comment section of The Daily Nation.

"I would want to thank the two clerics, both moslem and christian for doing practical moral policing, writes commenter "Hammerman".

" Homosexuality is a sin and in the old testament people were stonned to death. All gays and lesbians need to be hanged by the neck. Yes, hanged by the neck. I dont really care what their sympathisers say on this forum. Hang them by the neck. Robert Mugabe said they homos and lesbians are lower than dogs. How true!"

How do you respond to that? How do you begin to eradicate such deep-seated homophobia that's ingrained in African and American culture?


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