Monday, December 14, 2009

I know you're wondering where I've been. I haven't abandoned the blog or you,my readers who have supported this blog immensely over the past three years. I'm still here.

A week without writing for me seems like years,so if you're a regular reader then I know you've missed the updates and I've missed providing them for you.

I'd just like everyone to know I'm human and not a machine(mainly a reminder to myself)
and sometimes it's imperative to take a break and step away from it all and focus on Darian.

I stopped sharing my personal life on the blog a long time ago but for some reason I feel it's appropriate to do so now.

Ending a relationship that lasted for three years is never easy but in my case necessary.One can try to prepare themselves mentally and emotionally for the aftermath of the separation,but it's usually never easy even when you initiate the break up as I did.

I won't go into specific details, although if you follow me on Twitter you probably got an eye full during my tweets last

I will be spending most of today preparing to move into my brand new apartment tomorrow morning and I'm thrilled! Who's coming to help me with these damn boxes? Lol!

On a serious note. I can't thank you guys enough for supporting me and sending such wonderful e-mails, tweets, and Facebook messages. I may have to walk alone but I'm not lonely(Thanks for that line T0N3X').

I'm on my way back and I see endless possibilities in 2010. The only thing that can possibly stop my personal growth and this blog from going to the next level now is me and I'm getting out of my own way. Stay tuned.


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