Monday, November 22, 2010

It looks as if the Bishop Eddie Long civil suit will never reach trial if both sides are able to settle out of court. Translation: It will continue to be business as usual at New Birth and the black church will continue to avoid dealing with it's dirty laundry.

Atlanta's Fox 5 News reports:

The first court hearing in the Bishop Eddie Long sexual misconduct case was held Friday, and the case is headed for settlement talks. Lawyers for the bishop and the four young men who have filed suits against him said they want to avoid a trial and resolve the dispute in mediation early next year.

During a status conference held Friday, lawyers for both sides gave a road map of what's going to happen throughout the case, when it's going to happen and why it's going to happen.

On the way into the courthouse, Bishop Eddie Long's attorney Craig Gillen, and the young accusers' attorney, B.J. Bernstein, had little to say. But after a short status conference, one thing was clear: Both sides were ready to resolve the case.

“The number one thing is we are ready to move forward in this case,” said Bernstein.

Watch a video report below:

h/t Maybe It's Just Me


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