Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Every year there seems to be an online uproar over an effeminate young black boy who has chosen to impersonate his favorite diva and post it online for the entire world to see. You may recall the controversy that erupted when a 7 year old black boy uploaded his rendition of Beyonce's "Irreplaceable" and the discussion around the lack of male role models for young black men as the alleged number one cause of homosexuality in black boys.

Well another video has surfaced of a pre-teen black boy dancing to Rihanna's hit single "Rude Boy" on urban website WorldStarHipHop.com (which should be short for ignorant homophobic a**holes) and the reaction has not been pretty.

Loldarian.com guest contributor Derrick McMahon facilitated a heated discussion about the video on his Facebook page and offers up this quote as food for thought: "The black community sees little gay boys who dance to their favorite female artist as "dangerous" but hold the real dangers the drug dealers, the murders, the woman beaters up as "role models" and great examples of black men? Where is our perspective? Did we ever have any?"

Another Facebook friend of McMahon who is also gay offered his two cents and was promptly deleted.

"Im sorry but its no problem with him being gay but he is doing the most and on the internet. he is setting himself up in a ignorant, hateful, homophobic society for failure and putting a label upon himself. he is showing that the lack of a male presence in a home is the biggest problems in our black community. he is a reminder that its not a choice its a lifestyle but choosing to live the lifestyle at such a young age and at such an openness is ultimately gonna be his downfall. He is placing a Scarlet Letter not only on himself but the entire gay community by the rest of society."

Get into the video that has everyone talking below. I know you have an opinion so let it rip.


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