Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bangalore, popularly known as Pensioner's Paradise or Silicon Valley. It is also known as the "Garden City of India", as there are many public parks and one can experience greenery on either side of the city roads. It is feast to the eyes as it is adorned with beautiful landscapes, flowers and hedges all through the city. Some of the trees across the city roads and parks are even as old as the city itself.

But sadly due to the rate at which the city is growing, from Garden City it is fast being converted into a concrete jungle. To add to this the trees on either side of the roads are cut in the name of resolving traffic problem by building flyovers, underpass and metro. There are instances where roads could have been made on either side of the trees by leaving those trees intact. But with no protest or awareness in the citizens this will continue to happen. I am afraid one day, 'The Garden City' title will no longer make sense for Bangalore.

We still have some greenery left in the city because of some parks such as
  • Lalbagh Botanical Garden
  • Cubbon Park
  • Kariappa Memorial Park
  • parks local to area
These parks attract a lot of people, tourists and locals alike, especially over the weekends. They are equally popular among children, young people and the old alike for their own reasons. They are also frequented by the joggers. The landscapes, variety of flowers, fountains make these parks really beautiful and form major attractions. These parks are well maintianed and some of them occasionally charge some nominal fee.

In the days to come we will explore finer details of some of these parks.


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